I saw a peeper this morning...a teeny little green frog who was sitting on the doorframe as I washed the glass.
He was bright green with brown tipped tiny "fingers". I had just been thinking of you, and then there he was. I took a picture of him and I wanted to send it to you.
But I didn't.
I am stunned everyday by how crappy this world is. Even though I try my hardest to see the best side of things, the fact of the matter is that everything, ever-y-thing is just messed up. During my bleeding heart days I believed I could change the world if I prostrated myself at the alter of do-gooding. As cynicism and awareness became my constant companion I realized that making a martyr of myself for the good of others wouldn't be helpful and if I wanted to change anything I had to start with myself. And by being my best self, maybe I could positively influence others. Not so much with the broadstroke changing of the world, more one day at a time one person at a time, starting at me.
In being myself I have begun to be very protective of my energy. People will steal it - they may not even realize it, but if they do not know how to create their own, they feed off of other people's energy, like vampires. They take and they don't contribute; the relationship is not symbiotic ("two entities that need each other to survive and prosper"). I choose to surround myself by people who have cultivated their own energy and can share it, and take from me, so that we can learn and grow together.
In wanting a companion, a partnership for life, I hope to find this symbiotic energy relationship.