Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Common doesn’t write his lyrics down. He rhymes out loud until he finds the words that he wants, then he just memorizes them and lays the track. He is dedicated to his art.
I avoid mine like the plague. Wtf for, you might ask. Is it my grossly abnormal, debilitating fear of failure? Sure. Is it that I will not stop long enough, sort out my time sufficiently enough, be still in my heart and my mind long enough to hear the words that have been jumping around in my soul all of my life? Absolutely. Ab-so-freakin-lutely.

I think sometimes I know my worth and the height, depth of all that I am capable of. Sometimes I am able to feel the rich beating pulse that is my voice, I am able to put my finger on it. But instead of recognizing it as my life force, I let it quicken, then fade. WHY do I DO that?

So in order to get your blood flowing, clear you head, hear your voice, you have to just stand up and move, correct? Maybe stop asking why, just see what happens when you stand up. Take that famous one step to start a journey.

Yes, Kelly. Another one. Actually, it's not so much a new path to start down, it's the one you've been meant to be on all of your life. You've just meandered around a lot of other paths, snake trails to highways, in order to find this one.

So, in essence, shut your face and get to steppin'.

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